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Sigma Events

Nearly 800 nurse leaders from around the world have registered in advance of the 23 May early deadline to attend Sigma’s July 2018 Melbourne research congress.

The deadline for submitting an application for the new Academic Healthy Work Environments and Clinical Healthy Work Environments awards is 18 July 2018. These awards will be presented during Sigma’s February 2019 Creating Healthy Work Environments Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: 18 July 2018

Open opportunities are available to submit abstracts for Creating Healthy Work Environments. Abstracts are invited that demonstrate a direct link to the theme "Innovating Healthy Clinical and Academic Environments: Optimizing Patient Outcomes and Professional Well-Being" and to the overall outcomes of the program.

Innovating Healthy Clinical and Academic Environments: Optimizing Patient Outcomes and Professional Well-Being

Program Outcomes

  • Advocate for and champion the standards for establishing healthy working practices and environments.
  • Implement innovative solutions for creating healthy work environments.
  • Engage leaders at all levels to create and sustain healthy work environments.

Topics for Submission

  • Enhancing Professional Well-Being
  • Implementing the AACN Healthy Work Environment Standards
  • Leading Successful Initiatives
  • Optimizing Patient Outcomes
  • Promoting Interprofessional Collaborations
  • Strengthening Healthy Work Environments

Guidelines for Electronic Abstract Submission

As you prepare for submitting, please keep the following items in mind.
Please read through each section carefully prior to submitting an abstract. If you have further questions, contact abstracts@sigmanursing.org.

國際護理榮譽學會 中華民國分會
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International,
Lambda Beta-at-Large Chapter in Taiwan, R.O.C
聯絡地址 | 110台北市信義區吳興街250號
聯絡電話 | 02-29661733 (有事請以信箱為主,會回覆您)
聯絡信箱 | sigma@stti.org.tw
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