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STTI Donation Information
“I was so impressed with the collaboration, education, and networking that was conducted during the convention, I decided I wanted to support Sigma so that they can keep on giving to the education, scholarship, and service of nurses around the world.”
Holisa C. Wharton (Mu Zeta Chapter), USA
Virginia Henderson Fellow

2015 International Nurses Day Donors
Individuals and chapters who made a donation of US $60 or more
in celebration of International Nurses Day, 12 May 2015.

Gratitude Circle
Individuals and chapters who have made two or more gifts during the 2013-15 biennium.

Chapter Giving Club
Chapters that donate US $1 per active chapter member.

Heritage Society Honor Roll
Pillar Society, Philanthropic Caring Society,
Billye Brown Fellows, Sigma Theta Tau Fellows and Virginia Henderson Fellows.

Vision Society
Individuals who are making recurring monthly or annual donations.

Giving Circle Donors
Patricia E. Thompson and Delta Theta Chapter Giving Circle Donors.

2013-14 Donors and Sponsors
New gifts and pledges received from individuals, chapters, foundations, and corporations
between 1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014.

國際護理榮譽學會 中華民國分會
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International,
Lambda Beta-at-Large Chapter in Taiwan, R.O.C
聯絡地址 | 110台北市信義區吳興街250號
聯絡電話 | 02-29661733 (有事請以信箱為主,會回覆您)
聯絡信箱 | sigma@stti.org.tw
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